Pisum sativum L. convar. medullare Alef. emend C.O. Lehm
Brand: Semo
Packaged:250,0 g
Ex Tax: 5.75€
Green Sugar Pea "Oskar".
Very popular variety because of very early production of long pods.
No parchment layer!
OSKAR offers big seeds and a high yield. Excellent for mechanized harvest and also hand harvest of whole pods.
Resistant to Fusarium oxysporum race 1.
Plant height: 70-80 cm.
Pod length: 9 cm.
The pod contains: 8-10 peas.
Days to ripeness: 65-70.
1,0 g = 3-5 seeds.

Preparation of pea seeds for sowing. For sowing, you need to select large healthy seeds and test them for germination. In order to sort the seeds damaged by the pea weevil and select the more complete ones, they are immersed in a 3% sodium chloride solution (30 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The floating seeds are removed, the seeds that have settled to the bottom are washed in clean water and then dried.
Seedling method of sowing peas. Seedlings are grown in boxes on windows and in greenhouses. To obtain it, 2-3 thousand seeds are sown per 1 sq. m. This amount of seedlings is enough for a hundred square meters.
They begin to grow it a month before planting in the ground. Subsequently, they are planted in the ground on a flat surface.
The ridges are cut 1 m wide, transverse grooves are made at a distance of 30 cm from each other and the plants are planted in rows at a distance of 10 cm from one another. Before planting, the grooves are watered with water. After planting the seedlings, the fruits ripen in about a month.
Site preparation and sowing seeds in the ground. Peas grow successfully on soils with a wide range of soil reaction (pH 5.5-7). But it is better to allocate neutral soils for this culture. Acidic soils are not suitable for peas.
Peas work best on medium loamy, sufficiently water-absorbing, humus-rich, non-clogged soils. Quite good yields are also obtained on other, less rich soils. But it is necessary to avoid sowing peas on saline and light sandy soils. Heavy, swollen and acidic soils are not suitable for peas at all.
Attention! On poor soils without fertilizers, peas yield low yields, beans and seeds are small, low-sugar, coarse, with a low starch content. Plants on such soils develop poorly in the initial period and are strongly oppressed by weeds. Thus, with the exception of very poor sandy and heavy acidic clay soils, all others are suitable for growing peas. Smooth-seed varieties are very cold-hardy. They perfectly withstand short-term frosts down to -4-5 °С.
Peas prefer sunny places, and warm weather during flowering is very beneficial for yields.
The best precursors for peas are root vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes.
Sowing in one place should be carried out no earlier than after 4 years. Peas should not be sown next to related legumes, herbs (clover, alfalfa, beans, etc.).
In this case, the incidence of plants and the number of pests increases sharply.
After harvesting the peas, radishes can then be grown in this area.
Peas grow well in the aisles of the garden. Here, after harvesting the fruits, the entire aboveground part of the plant must be embedded in the soil. The proximity of apple trees with peas mutually adds to the harvest.
The soil must be dug up twice: in the fall after harvesting the predecessor and in the spring before sowing.
The soil must be dug deep in order to provide good air access to the roots (only in this case, the nodule bacteria fixing nitrogen work actively).
Good yields of vegetable peas are obtained by filling the soil with humus or compost (half a bucket per 1 m2) for the autumn digging of the soil after harvesting the previous crop and applying mineral fertilizers (30-40 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium chloride per 1 sq. M). In the spring, before sowing, nitrogen fertilizers are applied (15-20 g of urea or 20-30 g of ammonium nitrate).
If peas are sown on the site for the first time, when planting, the bacterial preparation nitragin is introduced into the soil along with the seeds.
In favorable climatic conditions, peas are sown in the first half of March.
Smooth-seed peas are sown first. Sugar varieties are sown in the second half of March. Varieties with shriveled seeds (very sensitive to cold weather) can be sown no earlier than mid-April, as they germinate when the soil temperature rises above + 8 °C. In principle, they can be sown at the end of April, but the yield in this case will be much lower.
Before sowing, do not forget to disinfect the seeds, which will significantly increase the resistance of plants to bacterial and fungal diseases.
Per 1 m2, it is sown (depending on the size of the seeds) from 20 to 25 g, in rows, with a row spacing of 25-30 cm.The distance between the seeds in a row is 3-5 cm. The seeding depth is 4-5 cm.
To facilitate harvesting, you can sow peas in "belts" - two rows each with a row spacing of 25 cm, and then a path 50 cm wide.
Pea crops must be protected from birds by stretching a net or tulle curtain over the garden bed. Either the crops are covered with paper or a transparent film before the emergence of shoots.
It is even better to sow peas at several times, using varieties with different ripening periods. Sowing begins in late April - early May and ends, as a rule, at the end of May.
The peas are sown in a two-line ribbon pattern, making it easy to harvest the beans multiple times by hand. The distance between the belts is 50 cm, between the lines - 20 cm for shelling varieties (for green peas) and 40 cm for sugar varieties on the shoulder, between plants in a row - 4-6 cm.The seeding depth on heavy soils is 3-4 cm, on light -5-6 cm. Seeding rate: 15-20 g per 1 m2.
After sowing, the soil is rolled from above (compacted).
Attention! Vegetable peas are a cold-resistant plant. Its seeds begin to germinate at + 4 + 6 °C. Seedlings can withstand short-term frosts down to -4 °С. Flowering begins 30-55 days after sowing.

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